English summary below I går dokumenterade jag min dag ungefär en gång i timmen med mobilbilder. Följ med mig till katthemmet, Elfvik och det sällsynta tillfället av ”Marie bakar Bounty”. Jag suger annars på att laga mat och baka. Häng med om ni vill! Klicka på bilderna för att läsa bildtexterna och se hela bilderna. 🙂 Bounty-recept (obs – smeten måste stå en timme i frysen först, och en timme till minst efter att man har format Bounty-bitarna… Jag försökte efter en halvtimme enligt receptet, men de höll inte ihop. De måste vara riktigt kalla för att det ska funka!) Gillade ni det här konceptet på bloggen? Ska jag göra detta igen?? I decided to document my Saturday every hour (well, nearly) with mobile photos. Follow me to the cat shelter where I do volunteer work, Elfvik and a very rare occasion of Marie baking Bounty. I suck at cooking […]
(English summary below) Jag gjorde ett uppehåll i bloggen över sommaren. Det var inte planerat egentligen utan det bara blev så. Och det är helt ok. Nu kliar det i skrivtarmen så nu kör jag på nytt igen. Och vet ni vad? Den här gången tänker jag inte sätta upp några bestämda publiceringsdagar eller tider utan tänker skriva när jag har något att skriva helt enkelt. Bloggen kommer fortfarande att ha min kreativa resa som överordnat tema, uppblandat med allt annat som hör livet till. Högt och lågt. Jag tycker själv om en sådan blandning när jag läser bloggar. Jag ska testa en annan sak också. Jag kommer fortsätta att mixa svenska och engelska inlägg, men jag kommer inte att ha specifika publiceringsdagar för de engelska inläggen. Istället gör jag en snabb sammanfattning av de svenska inläggen på engelska också. Jag provar, så får vi se. Nu seglar vi mot nya mål! 🙂 A […]
Well-needed rain is falling today. It cools down the air to lower degrees and it darkens the day so much that electrical light is needed in the lightest summer month of June. But I’ll take the cold and temporary dark day for some needed water for thirsty trees and flowers and for the grass to grow green again. Rain is a blessing for a thirsty nature. When it comes with moderation! In Southern Sweden heavy rain showers are causing floodings. That doesn’t help either greenery or people. It’s like drinking too fast to swallow. You just cough the water up instead. Nature is drowning. I remember growing up with summer rains as subtle and brittle like a soft and gentle breeze. The tiny but plenty rain drops so dainty and light that they barely caressed your skin when falling, like nature’s own moisturiser. These modern day heavy flooding rains never happened. I miss those summer rains.
Good morning! Here comes a quick hello from my office desk. Back after three days in Borås. Just to say that I am back after yet another little break. I planned to update for these three days on Sunday but never got the chance. Mother’s Day at grandmother’s and physio therapy exercises and a sleepy Marie got in the way. The weather in Borås was mediterranean. I hope this is not the only summer we will get. It is always a worry when you get heatwaves like this as early in the summer, that the rest will be crap. Now that I am back home it is a mediterranean in Stockholm too. Didn’t bother with a jacket today. Ok, so I am back on track. Get ready for regular updates again and enjoy this beautiful Thursday wherever you are! Let the sun shine a light to your heart. Tea is ready, computer […]
10 years ago today, around 1 pm, my father’s heart gave up and he left me. The one person in my life that was always on my side and loved me completely no matter what, was gone. I was his world. And when he left me my world fell apart. My safe haven, my dad, was gone. Here I was experiencing the worst time in my life and the one person I always went to in hard times, who always helped me through them, was now the one that was gone. I fell and fell and fell through a bottomless abyss unable to stop the fall. The turning point that helped me start the long climb up from the abyss came a couple of days later, at my mother’s. I had spent the night at her place and the first immediate shock was beginning to wear off and my mother got […]
Do you have dreams? Of course you do. Who doesn’t? Some dream big, some dream small, but we all have dreams to some extent. It makes us human and it’s beautiful. I have noticed a theme in my dreams, they all have to do with freedom, creativity and nature somehow. I have a bucket list of dreams. Some of them I will realise, and some I won’t be able to realise. I am after all soon 45 years old and many of these dreams are often easier fulfilled when you are about twenty years younger. By that I don’t mean that age should stop you from following your dreams. It’s just the fact that youth makes things easier. But these unfulfilled dreams will give me something to fantasise about. Something to feed my daydreams! And big dreams can be made smaller and manageable, so you still get the experience in some way. […]
As you who read this blog on a at least somewhat regular basis know, I have my favourite place Elfvik as a recurring theme. You’ve heard me gush about it 100 times at least and seen heaps of photos from the place. And you will see plenty more in the future – you bet. No escaping Elfvik in this blog. So be prepared for another Elfvik blog entry right now. For the very few of you who read this blog not living in Sweden, summer came by over the weekend here which was also a long weekend for most people thanks to the ”squeeze day” on Friday. I think the rest of Europe got a taste of summer this weekend too? It caught most of us by surprise I think. Just a week ago we were freezing in our winter clothes and it seemed like spring would never come for real. Anyway back to […]
Wow! You know that day you dream about all through the dark cold winter? That day that you in early January think will never come and seems like a fairy tale? That first REAL warm spring day? For me that was today. I felt so alive. It’s amazing how much spring, sun, warm air and a bursting blooming nature affect your soul. At least mine. A colleague and I took a short lunch walk during lunch break along the little path in the woods behind campus. Little spring green buds on the trees literally growing before our eyes, hills filled with hundreds and hundreds of wood anemones brightening up the ground turning their gorgeous white petals to the sun, birds singing happily. Heavenly. As I got home I decided to try the balcony since I know it is always warmer there than the actual degrees. It was hot as in […]
Tomorrow Thursday is the day I normally post my photos for Jen’s and my photo project but I have been way too tired to be creative this past week. So I will skip this week and be back on track with project photos next Thursday. I can’t wait for the long weekend next week. I feel a desperate need for some time off so next week is like God-sent. Which I suppose for religious people it is, since the long weekend is to celebrate Ascension Day. For me it is four blessed days of rest to restore some energy. 🙂 This week I am looking forward to celebrate my grandmother’s 93rd birthday on Saturday. There will be flags waving all over the city and streets with people trying to catch a glimpse – of the king. But what he doesn’t know is that he got it all wrong. All the commotion is […]
A quick hello from work before I start my day. Even though I don’t think so when the alarm goes off at 5:30, I do love to be early at work when I am here. I am all alone and the office is totally quiet. I love the routine of turning on the computer, put on some tea and then a browse through my social media before I begin my work day. Those ten minutes sort of give me the start I need for a good productive day. And when I start working around 7, the office is still empty and quiet for about another hour. Lovely. It’s a beautiful morning. The night was cold. Frost covered the roofs and glittered in the grass as I walked to the garage at home. When parking at work the sun had just woken up the ”skilla” (don’t know their English name!) flowers. […]
Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…
Agree 100%. I think a lot of us have had to rethink our lives during the pandemic. And I think…
The pandemics that started last year was something completely unexpected and unknown that changed so much our lives. It was…
Hugs right back! What would I have done without you! ❤️
You have had such a tough time of it, your strength and determination are such an inspiration. I am so…