Do you have dreams? Of course you do. Who doesn’t? Some dream big, some dream small, but we all have dreams to some extent. It makes us human and it’s beautiful.

I have noticed a theme in my dreams, they all have to do with freedom, creativity and nature somehow.

I have a bucket list of dreams. Some of them I will realise, and some I won’t be able to realise. I am after all soon 45 years old and many of these dreams are often easier fulfilled when you are about twenty years younger. By that I don’t mean that age should stop you from following your dreams. It’s just the fact that youth makes things easier.

But these unfulfilled dreams will give me something to fantasise about. Something to feed my daydreams! And big dreams can be made smaller and manageable, so you still get the experience in some way.

My bucket list of big and small dreams:

  • Make a living through writing or photographing (would love a combo!) in any form. I think though the writing part is where I have the better chance to succeed with this dream in terms of skills.
  • To live in a house in the archipelago or near nature and water.
  • To have my own cat/s/
  • Travel the world – my top places to see at least once are Iceland, Australia, Canada and Alaska. All very nature-based wishes.
  • To spend a longer period of time in another country and culture. For work or a very long holiday. I think you learn a lot about life, the world, and yourself, by doing that.
  • Be more creative – learn a lot of crafts just for fun. Things like silver forging, ceramics, knitting, develop my photography and writing Etc.
  • Write a book
  • To have my own photo and writing studio.
  • To stay in good health. Everything starts with a good health. I will do everything I possibly can to keep a good health as long as possible. And I hope luck helps me stay away from illness I can’t influence.
  • Surround myself with my wonderful friends and family as much as I can. They mean the world to me.

I of course have many more dreams and things I want to do. But this is a start…

Would you like to share some of your dreams in the comments? I sure would love to read them.

My archipelago dream. (Mobile photos from boat trip to Möja 2011).



4 Kommentarer

  1. Drömmar har vi nog alla, men jag som är 20 år äldre än dig har omsatt drömmarna till delmål istället 🙂 Det känns som om jag inte har tid att drömma om så mycket utan att jag måste bli en ”doer” De flesta av mina drömmar är idag verklighet så jag drömmer om små saker. Till exempel en riktigt god bakelse i solen ihop med gott kaffe. Sedan en och annan bal och resa förstås 😀 😀

    • Vad härligt att du har uppfyllt dina drömmar! 🙂 De där små sakerna man drömmer om är lika viktiga som de ”stora” drömmarna. Jag tror också att även om man inte kan uppfylla alla sina drömmar så kan man uppfylla en liten del av dem – som delmål som du säger! Man kan resa även om man inte kommer jorden runt. Man kan skriva och skapa för sitt eget nöjes skull även om man inte kan leva på det. Osv!

  2. I think it is very important to have dreams…they give us things to aim for. I managed to travel quite a bit in my 20’s and now aged 40, I find the travel bug bites harder than ever 🙂 I definitely recommend living abroad from your own country for a period of time, I have done it several times before and have been doing it for the last 3 years. It broadens your horizons so to speak, and gives you a chance to see life in a very different way to what you are used to and for me at least, has given me the ability to deal with whatever life throws my way! My bucket list is not so different to yours- would love a house near forest and sea… want my own horses (assuming I have won the lotto of course 🙂 ) Would love to visit some of the wild places of the world before they disappear and would love to finally get enough time to study for that fine art degree… Want a purpose built studio instead of having to take over the dining room lol! My ”to do in life” list is quite possibly the longest list I have and maybe I will never do all of it, but I will keep ticking things off it as long as I am able! <3

    • I think so too. Even the smallest dream still gives a sense of aim.. A purpose, something to strive for. If we didn’t have dreams, we would all still be living in caves! 🙂 Depending on where we are in life, our personal conditions of life, standard of living etc our dreams are different – but they are always there. One day! I think you will achieve most of your bucket list of dreams – you are a doer! <3

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