English summary below Så här såg mitt mötesklotter ut för något år sedan. Så här ser det ut nu: Ganska talande att det på denna bild inte finns en enda anteckning… Det måste ha varit ett långt möte… Skämt åsido. Anteckningarna gjorde jag i ett annat block! 😉 Det som slog mig när jag såg den gamla bilden jämfört med den senare är att mitt experimenterande med meditativ konst har smugit sig in i mitt mötesklotter. Det är rätt coolt faktiskt. Ytterligare ett bevis på hur effektivt det är för att få hjärnan att slappna av och fokusera. Så långt tillbaka som jag kan minnas har jag klottrat när jag behöver lyssna koncentrerat på någonting. På lektionen eller föreläsningen. På möten. Eller när jag pratar i telefon. För en utomstående kan det kanske se ut som om jag inte lyssnar eller är ointresserad, men det är precis tvärtom. Ju mer […]


Good morning! Here comes a quick hello from my office desk. Back after three days in Borås. Just to say that I am back after yet another little break. I planned to update for these three days on Sunday but never got the chance. Mother’s Day at grandmother’s and physio therapy exercises and a sleepy Marie got in the way. The weather in Borås was mediterranean. I hope this is not the only summer we will get. It is always a worry when you get heatwaves like this as early in the summer, that the rest will be crap. Now that I am back home it is a mediterranean in Stockholm too. Didn’t bother with a jacket today. Ok, so I am back on track. Get ready for regular updates again and enjoy this beautiful Thursday wherever you are! Let the sun shine a light to your heart. Tea is ready, computer […]


A quick hello from work before I start my day. Even though I don’t think so when the alarm goes off at 5:30, I do love to be early at work when I am here. I am all alone and the office is totally quiet. I love the routine of turning on the computer, put on some tea and then a browse through my social media before I begin my work day. Those ten minutes sort of give me the start I need for a good productive day. And when I start working around 7, the office is still empty and quiet for about another hour. Lovely. It’s a beautiful morning. The night was cold. Frost covered the roofs and glittered in the grass as I walked to the garage at home. When parking at work the sun had just woken up the ”skilla” (don’t know their English name!) flowers. […]


So here is a quick lunchtime update. 🙂 It is a beautiful day here in Stockholm today. The sun is shining and you can feel a hint of warmth from its rays. Finally. A tiny tiny sense of spring even though the shadows and winds are still cold. A colleague and I decided to go out for lunch at restaurant Syster & Bror here at KTH campus. I had pasta Bolognese for lunch, she had zucchini pasta. Lunch view After that we took a short walk around the campus on our way back to the office to enjoy the sunshine just a little bit longer. We passed a beautiful little tree that I had to capture with my mobile phone. Now I am getting ready to join my colleagues at the company fair here on campus. This photo is from earlier today when the fair had just opened. Can’t wait to meet the students!
  1. Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…

  2. The pandemics that started last year was something completely unexpected and unknown that changed so much our lives. It was…