
Good morning!

Here comes a quick hello from my office desk. Back after three days in Borås.

Just to say that I am back after yet another little break. I planned to update for these three days on Sunday but never got the chance. Mother’s Day at grandmother’s and physio therapy exercises and a sleepy Marie got in the way.

The weather in Borås was mediterranean. I hope this is not the only summer we will get. It is always a worry when you get heatwaves like this as early in the summer, that the rest will be crap.

Now that I am back home it is a mediterranean in Stockholm too. Didn’t bother with a jacket today.

Ok, so I am back on track. Get ready for regular updates again and enjoy this beautiful Thursday wherever you are! Let the sun shine a light to your heart.

Tea is ready, computer is ready – I am ready. Let the work day begin!


Bli den första att kommentera! :)

    • Hoppas du fortsätter att krya på dig så att du går från mindre trött till pigg och kry! Man vill ju gärna vara pigg och kunna njuta av sommaren! 🙂 Jag kämpar på med mina övningar och kroppen känns mer och mer mörbultad. Haha. Men får väl hoppas att det innebär att övningarna gör nytta!

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