For this week of Jen’s and my photo project I was inspired by some of Jen’s previous themes: windows, glass and light and how one object can turn into something completely different depending on how you play with light, sharpness etc. I have always been fascinating by the sunlight through my bathroom window. It’s something I notice everytime I take a shower! The window glass has a ”wiggly” structure to it so that it lets in light but you can’t look through it. A very convenient structure for a bathroom window. 😉 So when the sunlight hits the window it creates some really cool effects. And when I got really close with the camera I got different colour and light effect  depending on how I angled the camera.  This first set of two illustrates that. All I did here was to turn up the saturation a bit. I also noticed […]
Soap bubbles part two! 🙂 This week’s photo project photos of Jen’s and my project. Don’t forget to check her photos out. I am not sure when she will put them up, but bookmark her blog and enjoy her creativity in generell while waiting for the photos :). I had so much fun with the soap bubble last week that I continued to play with them this week. This time I used my ledlit hearts wall decoration as bokeh and backlight to the soapbubbles and took the photos with underexposed flash to freeze motion in the dark light. I did ok. It was still slight long exposure of parts of a second so I got some interesting effects (I think…) from that too. I will start with my least favourite photo.I like the bokeh effect and the trails of light from the slightly long exposure. I *think* the flash sets […]


Sleepyhead. That’s me. Again. Yet another evening gone because sleep wins without me even knowing. It’s not fair. I don’t have a chance to fight it, since it just happens. It’s like the body drugs itself. Leaving me all confused when I wake up again at half past one in the middle of the night. Huh? Is it morning? Is it night? Am I asleep? Am I awake? What happened? So I didn’t get to update today’s entries in the blog yesterday. I didn’t get to visit all my wonderful blog ”colleagues” out there. I didn’t get to reply to comments. I didn’t get to edit my little landing video from the flight on Friday. I didn’t get to hang my wet laundry. To sum it up = I didn’t get to do anything. What a waste of hours. Gah. I suppose I should see it as investment in rest […]


Ok. So I might have bended the theme a bit this week. But one could say it is at least playing with light and colours. I was devoting myself to try out soap bubbles and water effects. I covered a cutting board in a colourful gift wrapping paper and put it in the sink as a background for the tap water and bubbles. I took hundreds of photos hoping some of them would be good! I didn’t succeed too well with the water photos, I don’t have enough zoom on my camera to get really close to the drops. But I managed to catch some nice bubble photos, I think. And the photos looks good together like a ”theme”.   Running tap water catching the colours of the background My favourite photo this week. Single bubble (cropped) Single bubble. Jen will put up her photos tomorrow! Don’t forget to check […]


I love my job, but today (yesterday when you read this!) as I was sitting in my office chair looking out through the dirty office window I realised I wanted out. I was listening to the traffic passing by and the noise from all the construction works going on outside and sighed. I wanted out, out in the open air somewhere. Surrounded by forests, vast horizons, open waters, big skies. I dreamt of birds singing, wind passing through the leaves, waves hitting the shores. And to just exist, with nothing else on my mind than the beauty around me. Sometimes everyday life does this to me. I love my job and my routines, but at the same time, sometimes they make me tired and long for something else. I guess that’s normal. Right? Longing for a different view (At 3 pm I will be posting my photos for Jen’s and my photo project this […]


I wrote in a post a while ago about how I need to stay focused on the present. Doing that will reduce stress levels and make myself more efficient. So many things are fighting for attention in my poor brain at the moment. I am trying to prevent too much chaos in my poor little middle-aged head. One big part of this problem is that I am way too good at thinking and planning ahead. So much that I miss the present and just become scatterbrained instead. Forgetting things, mixing things up. What is up and what is down??  Gah! Like at work today. It was a day full of one meeting after the other. I realised that part of the time during the meetings I was zoning out – thinking about the next meeting and what I needed to do inbetween the meetings. And inbetween meetings I was focusing on […]


I want to make another car trip with my camera this weekend. Any ideas? Any safe places? I want to be able to take amazing photos out in nature in sunrise and sundown and try out taking photos of the night sky and stars. But I am too scared to be out alone nowadays, and also with theft attractive camera gear with me begging someone to attack me. I even feel a bit insecure being out in middle of the day and even though I find it a bit embarrassing and disturbing to bring out the camera and take photos among people – I stay around places where I know there are plenty of people around, or near. I hate that I can’t look through that fear and that it prevents me from doing what I want. Things have changed so fast. I didn’t use to feel this way in ”safe” Lidingö […]
Time for this week’s photos in Jen’s and my photo poject painting with light. This time I wanted to play with light and water. I have noticed when I shower that the light from the window creates a nice stripe effect on the water from the shower so I decided to play with that. These photos are the result of backlit shower water and variation of shutterspeed, and depth of field, for creating the stripes of water contrasting the square pattern of the background tiles, and having fun in Photoshop to create the colour effects. These pojects to me is about playing around and having fun and learning by doing and experimenting. For artistic quality I recommend Jen’s photos 😉  


I am waking up on my last morning in Borås. Going home after two days of meetings and work. It’s always nice to spend a couple of days with my Borås colleagues. But it’s also nice to come home. It will be good to sleep in my own bed tonight. I got an interesting hotelroom I must say. It didn’t have a waste bin so I have had to put my garbage in a plastic bag. And no little fridge to put my milk and youghurt like they normally have. And the hotel view was intriguing too. Thank you for this time Borås, I love you anyway. See you soon again! Borås Hotel Grand. My home away from home. A room with a view. From hotel window. Instead of a fridge…  
Today I had the most amazing photo walk in my Elfvik paradise. Even though I only took a couple of photos. The sun sparkles in the water inspried me to film instead of taking photos. This film will be up tomorrow. I am teasing a bit! 😉 Building up suspension. Building up expectations. So you are now at the edge of your seats and expect a masterpiece no less. Right?? 😉 But in all honesty it is just a bunch of clips of ”moving photos” so to speak. I like the addition movement gives to a scene that a still photograph can’t convey. I also like how the film media allows you to edit and add music to the scenes. An extra dimension. I took some lazy snapshots with the mobile phone when I just wanted a quick photo to document the walk. Taking out the camera and prepare it would take too […]
  1. Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…

  2. The pandemics that started last year was something completely unexpected and unknown that changed so much our lives. It was…