Time for this week’s photos in Jen’s and my photo poject painting with light. This time I wanted to play with light and water. I have noticed when I shower that the light from the window creates a nice stripe effect on the water from the shower so I decided to play with that. These photos are the result of backlit shower water and variation of shutterspeed, and depth of field, for creating the stripes of water contrasting the square pattern of the background tiles, and having fun in Photoshop to create the colour effects. These pojects to me is about playing around and having fun and learning by doing and experimenting. For artistic quality I recommend Jen’s photos 😉  
Today I had the most amazing photo walk in my Elfvik paradise. Even though I only took a couple of photos. The sun sparkles in the water inspried me to film instead of taking photos. This film will be up tomorrow. I am teasing a bit! 😉 Building up suspension. Building up expectations. So you are now at the edge of your seats and expect a masterpiece no less. Right?? 😉 But in all honesty it is just a bunch of clips of ”moving photos” so to speak. I like the addition movement gives to a scene that a still photograph can’t convey. I also like how the film media allows you to edit and add music to the scenes. An extra dimension. I took some lazy snapshots with the mobile phone when I just wanted a quick photo to document the walk. Taking out the camera and prepare it would take too […]
FINALLY I get to upload my photos for this week in Jen’s and my photo Project. I didn’t quite get the results I had hoped. I was aiming for some low key lighting of my tulips but failed that – the result came out like just flat light doing nothing for the Beautiful tulips. Luckily tulips are pretty in themselves even in my bad lighting so I put the least failed photo up here. After I failed the tulips I started experimenting with the torch and writing instead. It is getting better but oh my god it’s difficult. To know what you actually write into thin air and then also writing it reversed so that it becomes right in camera. Gee – I have like no idea where my letters go and how I shape them – the letters A, E and H…. come on! This takes a LOT of practice before […]


This would be the entry where I  would normally put up this week’s photo project photos, but both Jen and I have been busy so we agreed to post them tomorrow instead. So tomorrow at 3 pm CET my photos will be up. Tomorrow is Good Friday and off work, so I am planning a shopping trip to Panduro to buy some cheap water paint. I have been looking at different water painting techniques on Pinterest and thought I would play around with them. I can’t draw or paint anything that resembles anything. But I can still play around with colours and techniques for my own entertainment and noone to see. I remember playing around with water colour techniques as a child in school or if it was preschool. For example how fun and cool it was to see how the paint just spread out and mixed in different patterns when you splashed paint […]
Jag bryter av fredagens blogg med att redovisa veckans fotoprojekt i samarbete med Jen idag istället för igår. Därför kommer jag nu att byta språk till engelska.. 3 …2 … 1 Here we go. I hope my English speaking readers (not that many but still 😉 ), find this entry even though it is not posted on a Tuesday or Thursday. It is time to show this week’s entry in Jen’s and my photo project painting with light. First, a warning. 🙂 This week was all experimental. I just wanted to try to light an object in different colours using bulb mode on the camera. That way I tried to first light the object with say a red light from behind, then I turned off the torch and put on a different colour, say blue, and lit the object  on the front with blue. Then turned off the torch again to light […]
Last week Jen and I started a new photo project – painting with light. My photos for this week will be up at 3 pm CET. But before I leave our previous project of trees behind I’d like to sum it up with my personal favourite photos from those 8 weeks. It was a fun theme to try and portray trees from different aspects. As you know, this blog is about my creative journey. It is not about perfection. It is about experimenting and learning and trying. But I think these photos I will present as my favourites out of the theme are the ones that were a level over experimentation. The better ones. What do you think? Follow the header links to see all of the photos in respective theme. A link to the other project weeks will be found at the end. Tree project 2 – texture I am […]
We had a different theme for Jen’s and my tree project this week. We thought we should challenge ourselves with an emotional theme. For me this is very difficult and I was kind of dreading this even though I came up with the theme. The easy way out would be to take a photo of trees and a person looking thoughtful. But to me that seems too simple. It’s a tree project so it is the trees that are in focus. I was thinking long and hard about the concept of being thoughtful. I ended up in two aspects of thoughtfulness. Solitude and peace. I am a person myself often lost in thoughts. When I am, it’s when everything around me is still and nothing is distracting me. So one big part of thoughtfulness to me is solitude and peace. Foggy winter morning by the water. Solitude and peace. Patterns of a […]


I am so sad that I can’t draw. I can hardly even draw a stick figure. Anyone who can draw is someone I envy. Like Jen’s sketches. Wow. If only I could sketch like that. In school I was hopelessly bad in drawing class. The assignments were way too difficult for me so I sort of just gave up and realised that I suck at it. I am like that. If I can’t be a professional at once and I know I can never be as good as a professional I just give up even trying. Why should I even try to become better at photography when I can never be as good as a professional? It’s like in my own mind I don’t even have the right to try. Leave it to the people who are good at it – don’t be pathetic with your lousy attempts is what I […]
I was planning to get out to take photos for Jen’s and my tree project this evening after I came home from my trip but I got caught up with work so those plans had to go. So for this week’s theme – trees in winter – I go back to old photos. I took a photo on one of my photo walks in the beginning of the year that I have been saving for the tree project for one day it might fit one of our themes. And now I think it fits! 🙂 Especially since winter now is no longer this beautiful. All the snow is long gone and has been exchanged by rain, rain, rain and more than 50 shades of grey. What do you think? Setting sun. Go over to Jen’s blog to see her entry for this week’s theme. Her photos will be more current […]
Back on track with updates again after three days away from this blog. Still happy I have managed to post at least one entry per weekday. Kudos to me. I have been away on a work trip to Borås and came home today (yesterday when this entry is posted 🙂 ). I had a busy weekend too with katthemmet and work so I haven’t been able to go out and take photos now for a long time. I have to make do with what I can to keep up photographing even though I can’t go outside. This evening I have tried black and white photos, continuing to experiment with lowkey photo, and photos with only candle light as light source. I think these experiments are good to try to understand how the camera handles light. So the photos I post today are ”technical experimenting” photos, not brilliant photos as such. […]
  1. Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…

  2. The pandemics that started last year was something completely unexpected and unknown that changed so much our lives. It was…