Last week Jen and I started a new photo project – painting with light. My photos for this week will be up at 3 pm CET. But before I leave our previous project of trees behind I’d like to sum it up with my personal favourite photos from those 8 weeks. It was a fun theme to try and portray trees from different aspects. As you know, this blog is about my creative journey. It is not about perfection. It is about experimenting and learning and trying. But I think these photos I will present as my favourites out of the theme are the ones that were a level over experimentation. The better ones. What do you think? Follow the header links to see all of the photos in respective theme. A link to the other project weeks will be found at the end.

Tree project 2 – texture


I am very pleased with this one. I think it might be my favourite out of the whole bunch…

The tree project 4 – black and white



I love black and white photography. Not to convert a photo to black and white to make it look more interesting, but to actually think black and white when you take the photo. I like both of these photos, but mostly the second one.

The tree Project 6 – bokeh


This is actually an experimental photo – but it’s one of my favourites anyway because it was such a fun theme. We created our own bokeh. Really cool!

The tree Project 8 – thoughtfulness


Here our object was to convey thoughtfulness. This photo represented ”solitude and peace” which is a big part of being lost in thoughts for me. I just like the softness of the photo. The highkey colour scale, the morning mist over the frozen lake removing everything else but the trees and the little mini island – making the bare branches stand out. It is peaceful to me.

For the rest of the tree project themes, check out these:

The tree project 1The tree project 3The tree project 5The tree project 7

And don’t forget to check out Jen’s tree project photos!

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