Back on track with updates again after three days away from this blog. Still happy I have managed to post at least one entry per weekday. Kudos to me. I have been away on a work trip to Borås and came home today (yesterday when this entry is posted 🙂 ). I had a busy weekend too with katthemmet and work so I haven’t been able to go out and take photos now for a long time. I have to make do with what I can to keep up photographing even though I can’t go outside. This evening I have tried black and white photos, continuing to experiment with lowkey photo, and photos with only candle light as light source. I think these experiments are good to try to understand how the camera handles light. So the photos I post today are ”technical experimenting” photos, not brilliant photos as such. […]
Youtube is such an amazing source for aspiring ”photographers” like me who are eager to learn as much as possible about photography and Photoshop editing. And who can’t afford too many expensive photography or Photoshop courses. The more I learn about editing, the more I am starting to enjoy that just as much as taking the actual photo. You can have so much fun with Photoshop. It is an art tool in itself! Through a blog I follow of a young (Swedish) girl, Nevnarien, who is a great photographer and inspiration for me, I found this Youtube tutorial about adding snow to your photos by creating a snow brush in Photoshop. [youtube] I tried it on a photo I posted in this entry and another photo from the same day that I discarded, because the slow shutterspeed blurs out the snow so it just looks like a mist instead of snow. […]
Yesterday was one of those perfect winter days.  I was a bit late for my little photography excursion so I missed a lot of light. But I did catch the amazing winter sunset. The air was completely still and the sky was cloud-free. The sun was just about to set and cast long dark shadows over the ice-covered lake. Despite the near sunset, the time was just around three. The lake was still buzzling with life from people iceskating and skiing across it like an icey lake highway. On a barbeque site by a wooden wind shed on a hill facing the water some people had a barbeque party in the snow. Voices of laughter and excitement both from the ice and the barbeque broke the otherwise peaceful air. It doesn’t get any better than this in winter. I was lucky to be out on this perfect day for my contribution to […]
I found this Photoshop tutorial on my favourite photography tips youtube channel. He is great. You can watch the tutorial here: [youtube] I really love this effect. I think I will have a lot of use for it once I get the hang of it. I tried it on a photo that I have previously posted here on the blog. I like it! I think the effect really conveys my feeling when I took the photo. The magic of nature and how my inner peace and spirituality feed of that magic. Which is also what the entry was about (in Swedish). Which editing do you prefer? Original photo The photo edited with the effect: Photo: Marie Elmqvist
  1. Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…

  2. The pandemics that started last year was something completely unexpected and unknown that changed so much our lives. It was…