
”Out in the Cold”  Summary in English after the photos. Det har varit en mild vinter minst sagt. Men i början av januari hade vi några riktigt fina dagar som bjöd på det bästa vintern har att ge. Jag gick ut. Dryga fem kilometers promenad senare kom jag hem, blöt med kalla fötter, men lycklig! Promenaden var som en dröm. En perfekt magisk vinterdag. Då kylan biter i kinderna, precis så där lagom så att de blir röda av kylan, men inte gör ont. Solen skiner krispigt blekgul lågt på himlen och kastar långa skuggor, himlen lyser vinterblå mellan lätta moln. Snötäcket bäddar in landskapet och reflekterar solen i bländande vitt. Pyttesmå snöflingor fyller luften med glittrande stjärnstoft när de fångas upp av solens strålar. En vintersaga. På riktigt. Det var nästan så att jag fick nypa mig i armen för att inse att det var verklighet. Känslan av att ha varit med om […]


As you who read this blog on a at least somewhat regular basis know, I have my favourite place Elfvik as a recurring theme. You’ve heard me gush about it 100 times at least and seen heaps of photos from the place. And you will see plenty more in the future – you bet. No escaping Elfvik in this blog. So be prepared for another Elfvik blog entry right now. For the very few of you who read this blog not living in Sweden, summer came by over the weekend here which was also a long weekend for most people thanks to the ”squeeze day” on Friday. I think the rest of Europe got a taste of summer this weekend too? It caught most of us by surprise I think. Just a week ago we were freezing in our winter clothes and it seemed like spring would never come for real. Anyway back to […]


We are now through the spring equinox so now the light is definitely beating the darkness. On Sunday it’s daylight saving time finally. The light is officially BACK! Yay. But here in Stockhom the winter is still fighting spring. Snow is falling from the sky and it’s chilly. I love snow but now I have had enough of it. So these winter strikes are annoying, but deep inside I know – spring will prevail and conquer in the end. So that thought is what keeps me going now. It’s like a metaphor of life. If you just hang in there, never give up, never lose hope and the sight of a sunny horizon, good things will come. The bad strikes back, it always does because life is a constant mix of good and bad, but the good always wins if we let it win. The key is also to see the […]
I was planning to get out to take photos for Jen’s and my tree project this evening after I came home from my trip but I got caught up with work so those plans had to go. So for this week’s theme – trees in winter – I go back to old photos. I took a photo on one of my photo walks in the beginning of the year that I have been saving for the tree project for one day it might fit one of our themes. And now I think it fits! 🙂 Especially since winter now is no longer this beautiful. All the snow is long gone and has been exchanged by rain, rain, rain and more than 50 shades of grey. What do you think? Setting sun. Go over to Jen’s blog to see her entry for this week’s theme. Her photos will be more current […]


The last couple of weeks have been wonderful. Now we are facing mild weather and the snow is melting and getting dirty. I mourn the beautiful sunny sparkly winter days, but I would not mourn if this was actually the end of winter. I long for spring and light. How was your weekend? Mine was fine. The weather was dull so I didn’t get to take any new photos for our tree project this week, the theme being backlight. Difficult when there is no light. So I will have to put up old photos this week. Next week we will have a very cool and very creative theme coming up. You will find out what it is on Thursday when Jen and I present this week’s photos. On Saturday I did my volunteer work at the cat shelter. Adorable kitties – they always melt my heart. They are like medicine […]
Jen’s and my tree project  continues. Last week’s theme was texture in black and white. This week black and white in general. I love black and white photography. It immediately gives the photos a whole new atmosphere about them when you remove colour. I also think that winter time is a good season for black and white because the season offers a graphic element to the landscape that you don’t get the same way during the other seasons. The graphic-”ness” of winter, trees and black and white is a good combination in my eyes. Ok, so here they come. My two project photos of the week. 🙂 This first one is a winter version of a scene I have posted before in autumn. I like how I find new details the more I look at the photo. The second one: I am rather pleased with the photos this time. I […]


This post is kind of a throwback to my photo walk. Also it is kind of a recap of yesterday’s Swedish blog where I wrote about how fortunate I feel to be living so close to nature and countryside, even though I live in a big city. I guess one can call this a throwback entry even to my tribute to Elfvik. 🙂 Hey, why not call this a throw back post to make it simple? Anyway, to the point. As I said in my Elfvik tribute, the place carries a lot of childhood memories. One of the favourite things about this place is that there is a stable here with large and vast greenyards for the horses which you pass when you drive here. And if you are lucky, you get to see the horses out and about in those yards, running around, relaxing, eating and having fun. I loved […]


On my photo walk on Sunday in my dear Elfvik, I was out for four and a half hours. It was such a lovely winter day. Clear blue sky with the low and pale yellow wintersun bringing out the sparkles in the snow and in the ice. -10 C with high clear air that filled my lungs with freshness and new energy. Photo walks are the best walks. It makes you really take notice on what is around you because you are looking for possible photo opportunities, and at the same time you get exercise and in winter, that so important spare daylight. A photo walk forces you to be completely present, here and now, both physically and mentally. When you come home, you have the excitement of downloading all the photos you took into the computer and start editing. I can never wait, I am too curious on how the […]
Yesterday was one of those perfect winter days.  I was a bit late for my little photography excursion so I missed a lot of light. But I did catch the amazing winter sunset. The air was completely still and the sky was cloud-free. The sun was just about to set and cast long dark shadows over the ice-covered lake. Despite the near sunset, the time was just around three. The lake was still buzzling with life from people iceskating and skiing across it like an icey lake highway. On a barbeque site by a wooden wind shed on a hill facing the water some people had a barbeque party in the snow. Voices of laughter and excitement both from the ice and the barbeque broke the otherwise peaceful air. It doesn’t get any better than this in winter. I was lucky to be out on this perfect day for my contribution to […]
Where is winter? Outside the grass is actually green. The leaves have left the trees since long ago – but there is actually green grass in December.  It’s warmer than on Midsummer’s Eve for God’s sake – we’ve had up to 12 degrees! I don’t know which is most weird – warmer than normal in December, or colder than normal in June?? It’s an upside-down world. What is happening to the weather? Am I the only one who find the weirder and weirder weather scary? Something is not right. I also wonder if we have the time to stop the effects of global warming. How many big ”climate meetings” have there been with ”the urgent need to come together to stop the development”, that end up with nothing. Because short-term profit and hunger for power are more important than having a world left to give to our children and their children. And instead of coming together […]
  1. Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…

  2. The pandemics that started last year was something completely unexpected and unknown that changed so much our lives. It was…