It’s time for a new theme, a new photo project, for Jen and I. Jen came up with the first one, trees, and she also came up with this second one – painting with light. It is a very creative theme that can be interpreted in many exciting ways. There is a ”discipline” of sorts within photography when it comes to painting with light where you use long exposures and create shapes or effects using a light source. There are some pretty cool stuff out there. Here is a tutorial on how to make foreground subjects appear. Really cool! [youtube] You can also use your lightsource as a ”brush” and make cool effects. Here is a tutorial of showing that. [youtube] Plus of course you have your own imagination! This is a really cool theme – thanks Jen 🙂 My first experiments here playing around at home with a torch. […]
We had a different theme for Jen’s and my tree project this week. We thought we should challenge ourselves with an emotional theme. For me this is very difficult and I was kind of dreading this even though I came up with the theme. The easy way out would be to take a photo of trees and a person looking thoughtful. But to me that seems too simple. It’s a tree project so it is the trees that are in focus. I was thinking long and hard about the concept of being thoughtful. I ended up in two aspects of thoughtfulness. Solitude and peace. I am a person myself often lost in thoughts. When I am, it’s when everything around me is still and nothing is distracting me. So one big part of thoughtfulness to me is solitude and peace. Foggy winter morning by the water. Solitude and peace. Patterns of a […]


On my photo walk on Sunday I got lost! So I didn’t get to take as many photos as I wanted and the weather was very dull so the short time I could take photos I could only get a few for Jen’s and my tree project on Thursday. For the project, the ”flat” grey weather worked pretty well though. I browsed through my folders on my computer and found photos from up to over five years ago. It is fun to look back. Because I can see development! The photos I take now are actually even better than photos I took only a year ago. That makes me so happy to see that I can improve. I thought I’d show a couple of older photos showing parts of the walk or bike ride to work. This little red house is situated near the waterline in the little tiny water of […]
I was planning to get out to take photos for Jen’s and my tree project this evening after I came home from my trip but I got caught up with work so those plans had to go. So for this week’s theme – trees in winter – I go back to old photos. I took a photo on one of my photo walks in the beginning of the year that I have been saving for the tree project for one day it might fit one of our themes. And now I think it fits! 🙂 Especially since winter now is no longer this beautiful. All the snow is long gone and has been exchanged by rain, rain, rain and more than 50 shades of grey. What do you think? Setting sun. Go over to Jen’s blog to see her entry for this week’s theme. Her photos will be more current […]
Back on track with updates again after three days away from this blog. Still happy I have managed to post at least one entry per weekday. Kudos to me. I have been away on a work trip to Borås and came home today (yesterday when this entry is posted 🙂 ). I had a busy weekend too with katthemmet and work so I haven’t been able to go out and take photos now for a long time. I have to make do with what I can to keep up photographing even though I can’t go outside. This evening I have tried black and white photos, continuing to experiment with lowkey photo, and photos with only candle light as light source. I think these experiments are good to try to understand how the camera handles light. So the photos I post today are ”technical experimenting” photos, not brilliant photos as such. […]
The hotel experience on a rainy night in Borås.  The window view. Playing with the effect of raindrops on the window. Bohdi by Fredrik Wretman – the statue in the river Viskan flowing through Borås.     
Oh my. Yesterday did not turn out the way I planned blog-wise. The day before when I was supposed to write the blog entries for yesterday I fell asleep! I woke up in the middle of the night, so tired that I just brushed my teeth and didn’t even bother to change into my night t-shirt, I just went to bed with the top I was wearing during the day. So I wrote a short entry yesterday morning explaining this and that I would not be able to keep up my publishing schedule since I fell asleep and am working during the day so can’t blog then. I planned to blog when I came home from work. But the preparations for today’s blogs took all my time. It is now 11 pm and I have two blog entries to write and photos for the tree project post at 3 pm […]
Well, as you will have noticed as a recurring theme this week on the blog – lack of time and photo opportunities have made this blog a little less creative this week and more about everyday stuff. So consequently I haven’t had a chance to get out with the camera for new photos for this week’s tree theme sadly. Because I LOVE backlight and would like to practise and experiment a lot more with it. So I think I will cheat in some current backlight tree photos maybe next week as an extra ”bonus” if I get a chance to be out when it is actually some light available. I have dug through my archives to see if I can find any backlit photos that could fit into this theme. I found a decent one from two years ago. I have one current photo that I took last week in a rare glimpse […]


Since I was late home from work today because I will be using flex hours tomorrow, I am also late with blogging. I had a lot to do when I got home and I also had to pass by the gas station on my way home to buy some windshield washer liquid. This dirty weather just makes the dirty windshields drink the liquid in one go – slurp and it’s gone. I filled that up and then when I got home I had a light dinner,  laundry, dishes and this and that to finish. On top of that  I need to fit in wrting two blog entries for tomorrow. I needed a break after I wrote the first one. The break got a bit longer than planned. Now it is midnight! So I hope you will excuse me that this blog entry is a bit short and just rambling. 🙂 Speaking of […]
  1. Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…

  2. The pandemics that started last year was something completely unexpected and unknown that changed so much our lives. It was…