It’s time for a new theme, a new photo project, for Jen and I. Jen came up with the first one, trees, and she also came up with this second one – painting with light. It is a very creative theme that can be interpreted in many exciting ways. There is a ”discipline” of sorts within photography when it comes to painting with light where you use long exposures and create shapes or effects using a light source. There are some pretty cool stuff out there.

Here is a tutorial on how to make foreground subjects appear. Really cool!


You can also use your lightsource as a ”brush” and make cool effects. Here is a tutorial of showing that.


Plus of course you have your own imagination! This is a really cool theme – thanks Jen 🙂

My first experiments here playing around at home with a torch. Bulb mode on camera and aperture 32 to make it as dark as possible. These images are experimental more than anything else – first attempts. It will be fun to experiment with this and learn more!

behind the light
Behind the light


Love you

Check out Jen’s photos on her blog. I am so excited to see what she comes up with. She is the artist of us two, or rather she is the artist period :), so she will create magic with this theme I think!

2 Kommentarer

  1. I love the tutorials, and your photo of the heart- so cool! You have inspired me to go get a torch to play with 🙂 I think this new subject of ours has lots of scope to experiment- am looking forward to seeing what we come up with over the next few weeks xxx

    • When you start playing with that torch you will create the usual magic! Can’t wait to see it! 🙂 I love this subject. Gives room for so many interpretations. Hugs!

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