It’s time for a new theme, a new photo project, for Jen and I. Jen came up with the first one, trees, and she also came up with this second one – painting with light. It is a very creative theme that can be interpreted in many exciting ways. There is a ”discipline” of sorts within photography when it comes to painting with light where you use long exposures and create shapes or effects using a light source. There are some pretty cool stuff out there. Here is a tutorial on how to make foreground subjects appear. Really cool! [youtube] You can also use your lightsource as a ”brush” and make cool effects. Here is a tutorial of showing that. [youtube] Plus of course you have your own imagination! This is a really cool theme – thanks Jen 🙂 My first experiments here playing around at home with a torch. […]


Dreading what? The dentist 🙁 Tomorrow morning at 7:30 (today when you read this) I have a dentist appointment. The annual check-up. But I know I will have to come back and fix an old filling that was about to ”give up” already last year but he decided to wait in order not to torture me until it is absolutely necessary. He knows I am not too happy with the pain. The fact that I know I will have to come back to fix this makes me dread the appointment more than usual. I don’t want to go. I have this problem that the anesthesia doesn’t work on me. Well, it works in that usual loss of sense of lips, tongue, cheeks and everything for hours afterwards. But it never works against the actual pain of fixing the tooth. That nerve pain. I hate it! Ever since a difficult root filling a long time ago I can’t […]
  1. Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…

  2. The pandemics that started last year was something completely unexpected and unknown that changed so much our lives. It was…