
So here is a quick lunchtime update. 🙂 It is a beautiful day here in Stockholm today. The sun is shining and you can feel a hint of warmth from its rays. Finally. A tiny tiny sense of spring even though the shadows and winds are still cold. A colleague and I decided to go out for lunch at restaurant Syster & Bror here at KTH campus. I had pasta Bolognese for lunch, she had zucchini pasta. Lunch view After that we took a short walk around the campus on our way back to the office to enjoy the sunshine just a little bit longer. We passed a beautiful little tree that I had to capture with my mobile phone. Now I am getting ready to join my colleagues at the company fair here on campus. This photo is from earlier today when the fair had just opened. Can’t wait to meet the students!


I am writing this quick entry from work. I will see if I get to update on schedule today. I came home from work last night a bit late after fixing our stand for today’s company fair for geology, chemistry and energy/environment students at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. But it’s not like it was late in the evening. It was just a bit later than usual. I was home around 6 pm… Even though I had been at work since 7 am it is still nothing to write home about. But of course it is normal to be a bit tired after work. I was. I wanted to relax a bit before I got on with my evening at home so I started the kettle for some tea water and laid on my bed with my iPad while waiting for the water to boil. The next thing I know […]
  1. Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…

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