English summary below Jag har börjat ta mina första stapplande steg till regelbunden träning genom sjukgymnastik. Framför allt gäller det nu i början att hitta styrkan i rygg och mage för att förhindra skador och framtida smärta. Orsaken till att jag behöver börja med sådana små steg är min skolios som orsakat flertalet felställningar i kroppen. Dessa har gjort att jag har haft svårt att träna och göra rätt. Målet med sjukgymnastiken är att stärka rygg och mage så pass mycket att jag kan börja med en regelbunden allsidig träning sedan. Några av övningarna jag har fått från sjukgymnasten ska göras med en gymboll. Jag köpte en som jag märkte var för stor för mig. Så jag fick köpa en till, mindre. Vad skulle jag nu göra med TVÅ gymbollar? Då kom jag på att jag kan ta den stora bollen till jobbet att sitta på istället för skrivbordstolen en […]


Phew. I have given myself a tough updating schedule in this blog with two entries every weekday. I do it because I love wrting for the blog, but also to keep a regular frequent update. I have had this blog now for a couple of months and I realise it is really hard to keep up with this schedule with interesting content twice everyday when you combine this with a busy full time job. Since I work all day I have to write the entries in the evening before they are published and schedule them to be automatically published 8 am and 3 pm the day after. I also need to have something to write about and when your days consist of work and not much else it is not always easy to find interesting subjects to blog about even though I try. And at times, as you have noticed, I […]


Monday. First day of the work week after a weekend that passed way too quickly. As they usually do. Why is it that there is a different time on days off than on workdays? And you wake up all bright and alert right before the alarm clock on your day off, and on a workday you wake up feeling you have only slept for thirty minutes. That is a mystery never to be solved. Waking up at 5:30, snoozing until 5:50. Then I walk out of bed and in a daze to the bathroom to have a zombie-like shower to make me more human. I brush my teeth with a little more alert and less swollen eyes looking at my tired reflection in the mirror. ”Oh dear, still not all human yet….” I look through my closet for something to wear, and ask myself the same thing every morning: ”I have nothing […]
  1. Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…

  2. The pandemics that started last year was something completely unexpected and unknown that changed so much our lives. It was…