
A wonderful day. That’s all. English summary under the photos. Vilken härlig lördag. Jag hade en av mina bästa vänner på besök över natten och vi bara njöt av dagen. Vi vaknade faktiskt tidigt trots att det var lördag och vi hade kunnat sova länge. Men vid sjutiden kände vi båda att vi hade sovit klart. Ju äldre jag blir, desto mer morgonmänniska blir jag! Till saken hör förstås också tidiga vardagsmorgnar som vänjer kroppen vid att vakna tidigt på morgonen och somna tidigt på kvällen. Men jag tycker om det. Jag vill egentligen inte sova bort halva dagen utan vill utnyttja dagen så mycket som möjligt. Vi åt en lång god frukost och pratade om allt mellan himmel och jord som väninnor gör, medan dagen vaknade utanför med strålande sol och en klarblå himmel. Inom mig spred sig en härlig vårkänsla. Det underbara solljuset som vi är så svältfödda på så här […]


After a very foggy morning the sun eventually dissolved the misty air and cleared the sight of a new day. I love Stockholm right now. It has been so sunny and pretty lately with blue sky and yellow sun that is starting to radiate its warmth all the way down to us. I am really for the first time actually getting a true sense of the coming spring. It IS coming. It is not a ”wishful thinking” sensation any more. It definitely is coming. Happy dances inside! I am prepared for setbacks. We have all of unreliable April ahead of us too. But inbetween the setbacks it will get warmer and warmer. Yay!! Smörblomma – buttercup. Soon!! The photo project that we usually put up on Thursday afternoon has been postponed until tomorrow on Jen’s request. Life gets in the way of creativity sometimes. Tomorrow is a Swedish blog day so […]


So here is a quick lunchtime update. 🙂 It is a beautiful day here in Stockholm today. The sun is shining and you can feel a hint of warmth from its rays. Finally. A tiny tiny sense of spring even though the shadows and winds are still cold. A colleague and I decided to go out for lunch at restaurant Syster & Bror here at KTH campus. I had pasta Bolognese for lunch, she had zucchini pasta. Lunch view After that we took a short walk around the campus on our way back to the office to enjoy the sunshine just a little bit longer. We passed a beautiful little tree that I had to capture with my mobile phone. Now I am getting ready to join my colleagues at the company fair here on campus. This photo is from earlier today when the fair had just opened. Can’t wait to meet the students!
  1. Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…

  2. The pandemics that started last year was something completely unexpected and unknown that changed so much our lives. It was…