
Är det fler än jag som är fascinerad av månen? En månbelyst natt har något trollskt över sig. Det finns ju många myter om månen som har med skräck att göra. Varulvar som kommer fram vid fullmåne och häxor som avbildas som siluetter mot månen när de flyger iväg över himlen på sina kvastar. Men jag finner tröst i den och tycker den är otroligt vacker i alla sina skeden. Från den första tunna skäran på himlen när den kommer tills den är full och lyser på oss som en lykta i himlen tills den försvinner som om den lägger sig till ro. Det är något djupt trösterikt för mig att se denna himlakropp som reflekterar solljuset till oss även när solen lämnat vår horisont och lyser upp en annan del av jorden.  Det är som att måne och sol tillsammans vill påminna oss om att ljuset alltid finns någonstans även när det är som mörkast. […]


Wow! You know that day you dream about all through the dark cold winter? That day that you in early January think will never come and seems like a fairy tale? That first REAL warm spring day? For me that was today. I felt so alive. It’s amazing how much spring, sun, warm air and a bursting blooming nature affect your soul. At least mine. A colleague and I took a short lunch walk during lunch break along the little path in the woods behind campus. Little spring green buds on the trees literally growing before our eyes, hills filled with hundreds and hundreds of wood anemones brightening up the ground turning their gorgeous white petals to the sun, birds singing happily. Heavenly. As I got home I decided to try the balcony since I know it is always warmer there than the actual degrees. It was hot as in […]


The long weekend is over. It came and went. Time is fascinating. It is seconds and minutes. 60 seconds per minute for 24 hours a day. Time is constant. But yet it feel so inconsistent. It can be very slow. And very fast. Five minutes is an eternity when you stand in the rain waiting for the bus at the bus stop and a lovely spring-like four-day long weekend can feel like two seconds. Easter Eve was spent with my grandmother. We had a lovely day feasting on cake and sweets. It was a beautiful early spring day. If this keeps up soon things will start to blossom and bring back colour to nature again. When I walked in Lidingö Centrum to  buy our cake,  I was like a drug addict craving the sunlight that flooded the square . Its bright light and warm soothing rays on my cheeks started an endorphine rush in […]


So here is a quick lunchtime update. 🙂 It is a beautiful day here in Stockholm today. The sun is shining and you can feel a hint of warmth from its rays. Finally. A tiny tiny sense of spring even though the shadows and winds are still cold. A colleague and I decided to go out for lunch at restaurant Syster & Bror here at KTH campus. I had pasta Bolognese for lunch, she had zucchini pasta. Lunch view After that we took a short walk around the campus on our way back to the office to enjoy the sunshine just a little bit longer. We passed a beautiful little tree that I had to capture with my mobile phone. Now I am getting ready to join my colleagues at the company fair here on campus. This photo is from earlier today when the fair had just opened. Can’t wait to meet the students!
  1. Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…

  2. The pandemics that started last year was something completely unexpected and unknown that changed so much our lives. It was…