(English summary below) Jag gjorde ett uppehåll i bloggen över sommaren. Det var inte planerat egentligen utan det bara blev så. Och det är helt ok. Nu kliar det i skrivtarmen så nu kör jag på nytt igen. Och vet ni vad? Den här gången tänker jag inte sätta upp några bestämda publiceringsdagar eller tider utan tänker skriva när jag har något att skriva helt enkelt. Bloggen kommer fortfarande att ha min kreativa resa som överordnat tema, uppblandat med allt annat som hör livet till. Högt och lågt. Jag tycker själv om en sådan blandning när jag läser bloggar. Jag ska testa en annan sak också. Jag kommer fortsätta att mixa svenska och engelska inlägg, men jag kommer inte att ha specifika publiceringsdagar för de engelska inläggen. Istället gör jag en snabb sammanfattning av de svenska inläggen på engelska också. Jag provar, så får vi se. Nu seglar vi mot nya mål! 🙂 A […]


I am beginning to see the light in the blog tunnel again. But today I will only be posting this entry. After I got home yesterday from our customer event I was going to take photos for Jen’s and my photo project this afternoon, schedule today’s  blog entries, and a lot of other things. But fell asleep. Have you heard that before? Sleepy head me. So now I am stealing five minutes from work to get this morning’s entry out on time. Thank you for understanding this odd blog week. 🙂 I see the light next week to be back to normal updates again. Can’t wait!


Phew. I have given myself a tough updating schedule in this blog with two entries every weekday. I do it because I love wrting for the blog, but also to keep a regular frequent update. I have had this blog now for a couple of months and I realise it is really hard to keep up with this schedule with interesting content twice everyday when you combine this with a busy full time job. Since I work all day I have to write the entries in the evening before they are published and schedule them to be automatically published 8 am and 3 pm the day after. I also need to have something to write about and when your days consist of work and not much else it is not always easy to find interesting subjects to blog about even though I try. And at times, as you have noticed, I […]
  1. Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…

  2. The pandemics that started last year was something completely unexpected and unknown that changed so much our lives. It was…