Last week Jen and I started a new photo project – painting with light. My photos for this week will be up at 3 pm CET. But before I leave our previous project of trees behind I’d like to sum it up with my personal favourite photos from those 8 weeks. It was a fun theme to try and portray trees from different aspects. As you know, this blog is about my creative journey. It is not about perfection. It is about experimenting and learning and trying. But I think these photos I will present as my favourites out of the theme are the ones that were a level over experimentation. The better ones. What do you think? Follow the header links to see all of the photos in respective theme. A link to the other project weeks will be found at the end. Tree project 2 – texture I am […]
The theme this week, creating our own bokeh pattern, was a really fun and challenging one for me. To actually create something with my hands is not something I am used to. I am clumsy with no fine motorics abilities whatsoever. You will have to use your imagination to interpret my little pattern as a leaf. 😉 But I love the effect. It is definitely something worth experimenting with more. Practice is needed. What do you think? Can you see the leaves? 😉 The leaf bokeh is created by window lights from block houses and traffic across the street. I am standing on the opposite side of a big street and the railway, shooting through trees. My idea for this project was to use an urban environment and give it a nature-twist. Because that’s me. A born city girl – but a nature girl at heart. This first one I think is […]
Oh my. Yesterday did not turn out the way I planned blog-wise. The day before when I was supposed to write the blog entries for yesterday I fell asleep! I woke up in the middle of the night, so tired that I just brushed my teeth and didn’t even bother to change into my night t-shirt, I just went to bed with the top I was wearing during the day. So I wrote a short entry yesterday morning explaining this and that I would not be able to keep up my publishing schedule since I fell asleep and am working during the day so can’t blog then. I planned to blog when I came home from work. But the preparations for today’s blogs took all my time. It is now 11 pm and I have two blog entries to write and photos for the tree project post at 3 pm […]


Den här helgen har flugit iväg. Jag har försökt hinna med så mycket men hann bara hälften. Det blir så när man inte har tid på vardagarna med vardagssysslorna. Förhoppningsvis blir denna vecka bättre så att jag hinner ikapp. Det är mycket just nu. Det händer mycket på jobbet och det är stora förändringar som vi inte vet vad de innebär ännu. Vi hoppas att det blir bra i slutändan. Men  även om man är positiv och optimistisk så är osäkerhet tärande i längden. Jag har världens roligaste jobb så det vill jag ju att det ska fortsätta vara. jag hann i alla fall shoppa lite inför Jens och mitt träprojekttema nästa vecka. Vi ska försöka göra vårt eget bokeh-mönster. Och nu kan jag rosta hur mycket bröd jag vill. Det är första gången jag gör en sådan här video så hav tålamod och överseende. Det kändes helknäppt att spela […]
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