(English summary below)

Efter en bloggpaus under våren och sommaren är jag nu tillbaka. Livet har varit rörigt utanför bloggen så pausen var välbehövlig. Men tack vare en härlig sommarsemester med fem långa lediga avkopplande veckor är jag på banan igen. Mycket tack vare en nyfunnen kreativ passion i meditativ ”konst”, som jag nu så gärna vill få dela med mig av i bloggen. Det är terapi. Jag kan förlora mig i timmar och jag vet aldrig när jag börjar hur slutresultatet kommer att bli. Det blir vad det blir, vad mina händer och min hjärna vill att det ska bli just där och då.

Detta kommer antagligen att bli ett återkommande tema i bloggen framöver. Eftersom jag är så lycklig över detta. Det får mig att må så bra, och ger även mig en möjlighet att kunna uttrycka mig kreativt. Att jag har blivit så biten av det, är för att de här ”teknikerna” ger ALLA den möjligheten och jag tror att vi alla behöver få kontakt med vår inre kreativitet för att må bättre. Jag tror att det är ett grundläggande väldigt mänskligt behov som har blivit alltför försummat i vår moderna tid. Man behöver inte  vara Van Gogh eller Rembrandt för att kunna skapa något fint! Med meditativ konst skapar du för din egen skull. Och det är enkelt. Alla kan göra det.

Mandala, Zentangle och doodling är några uttryck inom detta område och jag älskar dem allihop. Jag vill dela med mig till er, som liksom jag inte kan rita och måla men som ändå vill kunna skapa något fint och få låta hjärnan koppla av en stund samtidigt. Det finns liksom inget ”rätt eller fel” eller ”bra eller dåligt” inom meditativ konst. Det som blir, det blir, det var meningen!

Häng med, så kan vi skapa och må bra tillsammans! 🙂


I’m back!

I had to take a longer blog break over spring and summer. Sometimes life outside the blog gets too busy and messy. But thanks to a wonderful long summer holiday of five relaxing weeks I am back on track. I owe a lot of that to my newfound creative passion in meditative ”art”, that I now want to share in the blog. It is better than therapy. I can get lost for hours doing it, and when I start I have no idea what the end result will be. It becomes whatever comes out of my mind and hands at that moment.

Count on this to be a recurring theme in the blog. Because it makes me so happy and gives me a chance to express myself creatively. The fact that I have become so devoted to this, is because it gives EVERYONE that chance and I Think more of us would feel a lot better if we got in touch with our inner creativity that I strongly believe we all have. I think it is a basic human need that has been neglected in this modern age. You don’t have to be Van Gogh or Rembrandt to create something pretty! With meditative art, it is all about your own creative process, you create for you. And it’s easy. Everyone can do it.

Mandala, Zentangle and doodling are three examples of this area and I love them all. I want to share this with all of you who are like me, you can’t paint or draw but you still want to be able to create something pretty and at the same time let your mind relax. There is no ”right or wrong” or ”good or bad” in meditative art. Whatever comes out on your paper, was meant to be!

Join me, and let’s start to create and feel good together! 🙂


Bli den första att kommentera! :)

  1. Nice to see you again. I had to search to know what zentangle and doodling mean! It seems a good idea. Since I was a child I didn’t draw anymore. Actually I didn’t draw very much as a child, as far as I remember (my father painted and drew very well). Two years ago I decided to make some drawings and it was much better than when I was a child. After that I bought a book to learn to draw better, but I gave up after some time. Maybe I try some day again. Anyway it will be nice to see what you do, in case you post some of your drawings.

    • I will get into each one of them and explain them more in the blog and possibly show something. I didn’t draw much as a Child either and was not encouraged in school. It was too technical and too difficult. The great thing about these meditative arts is that what you draw are simple repetitive patterns that anyone can do and create something Beautiful. You don’t need to know how to ”draw”. It has really helped me find my own creativity and it lives up to the meditative part. It is really relaxing. It is something you can do anywhere, anytime, and for as long time as you like. And you create as you go. You don’t have to plan ahead or have any ”ideas” – you just do it. 🙂 I Think you should definitely try out drawing again – and do it for you, for fun, for relaxation. Not with expectations that you have to know ”how”. That is the gift the meditative art has given me. And to me it is a huge gift, I dare even say lifechanging!! Yes that much! I have never drawn since I have Always felt I suck at it, am no good. I can’t draw, I can’t paint… so why bother? Even though I have this urge to be creative… the curse of having strong artistic creative heritage but never inherited the actual talent, only the creative part. LOL!

  2. Yes, it’s good to try new activities if you discover them and and find them interesting to you. I might try again doing some drawing……

    • It certainly is. As soon as you take away the pressure that it has to be good in any way for you to be ”entitled” to create, it opens up your inner creativity in a very meditative way. 🙂

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