English summary below Jag saknar att skriva ned mina tankar här i min blogg. Min lilla plats i cyberspace. Men det är bara att inse att det är, och kommer att vara, en hektisk höst så uppdateringen här kommer att vara sporadisk. Mer ofta ibland, och uppehåll ibland. Uppehållen kan bli några dagar, eller veckor. Allt beror på hur mycket jobb jag har och vad jag orkar med. Tyvärr är det så för mig att stress sänker kreativiteten och inspirationen. Fast jag skulle önska att det inte var så – för det är ju faktiskt avkoppling för mig att skriva och fota. Men när orken tryter så gör den och då gör den det även när det gäller tankeverksamheten som styr inspirationen. Har ni något knep för hur man behåller den kreativa energin och inspirationen även när man är stressad så dela med er! 🙂 I miss writing my thoughts here in […]
Easter holiday is approaching. A four-day leave from work. Yay. I can’t wait, because I want to take my camera out again. It has been too long now. My archive of new photos is empty so I have no photos to show in the blog either. I have been so busy lately that I haven’t even been able to get out on photo walks. That will definitely happen this Easter. Keep your fingers crossed there will be some day with nicer photo weather over the holiday. I don’t know about you – but I often lose inspiration a bit this time of the year when it comes to taking pictures. Because now I am just waiting for spring when nature displays some colour again and that first sheer budding green that glows almost transparent in the sunlight. Little creeks running free again after the ice has broken. Hepaticas and anemones flooding […]
I have a dream that I one day will get to see the northern lights. It must one of the most beautiful things there is to see in my mind. Magic. And what do I hear? The day before yesterday the northern lights were visible here in Lidingö and I didn’t see it. It has been visable down here several times this winter and I have missed it every time. What are the odds that it appears this far south and what are the odds that it does it several times in one season and what are the odds that I miss it each time? If you want to see truly magical photos of the northern lights from northern Sweden where it is really strong and beautiful, check out young artist Jonna Jinton’s blog. She is a big inspiration of mine both in her way of life, her view on […]
Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…
Agree 100%. I think a lot of us have had to rethink our lives during the pandemic. And I think…
The pandemics that started last year was something completely unexpected and unknown that changed so much our lives. It was…
Hugs right back! What would I have done without you! ❤️
You have had such a tough time of it, your strength and determination are such an inspiration. I am so…