
”Out in the Cold”  Summary in English after the photos. Det har varit en mild vinter minst sagt. Men i början av januari hade vi några riktigt fina dagar som bjöd på det bästa vintern har att ge. Jag gick ut. Dryga fem kilometers promenad senare kom jag hem, blöt med kalla fötter, men lycklig! Promenaden var som en dröm. En perfekt magisk vinterdag. Då kylan biter i kinderna, precis så där lagom så att de blir röda av kylan, men inte gör ont. Solen skiner krispigt blekgul lågt på himlen och kastar långa skuggor, himlen lyser vinterblå mellan lätta moln. Snötäcket bäddar in landskapet och reflekterar solen i bländande vitt. Pyttesmå snöflingor fyller luften med glittrande stjärnstoft när de fångas upp av solens strålar. En vintersaga. På riktigt. Det var nästan så att jag fick nypa mig i armen för att inse att det var verklighet. Känslan av att ha varit med om […]
Today I had the most amazing photo walk in my Elfvik paradise. Even though I only took a couple of photos. The sun sparkles in the water inspried me to film instead of taking photos. This film will be up tomorrow. I am teasing a bit! 😉 Building up suspension. Building up expectations. So you are now at the edge of your seats and expect a masterpiece no less. Right?? 😉 But in all honesty it is just a bunch of clips of ”moving photos” so to speak. I like the addition movement gives to a scene that a still photograph can’t convey. I also like how the film media allows you to edit and add music to the scenes. An extra dimension. I took some lazy snapshots with the mobile phone when I just wanted a quick photo to document the walk. Taking out the camera and prepare it would take too […]
I was planning to get out to take photos for Jen’s and my tree project this evening after I came home from my trip but I got caught up with work so those plans had to go. So for this week’s theme – trees in winter – I go back to old photos. I took a photo on one of my photo walks in the beginning of the year that I have been saving for the tree project for one day it might fit one of our themes. And now I think it fits! 🙂 Especially since winter now is no longer this beautiful. All the snow is long gone and has been exchanged by rain, rain, rain and more than 50 shades of grey. What do you think? Setting sun. Go over to Jen’s blog to see her entry for this week’s theme. Her photos will be more current […]
In my journey to practise my eye for the best photos and to improve my ”seeing”, I have started to really taking my time when I try to find a picture. I look at angles, light and shadows. I am not finding it all perfectly yet, but at least I am looking. Before I didn’t know until I got home and downloaded the photos to the computer if it was a good picture or not. I still do, but more often the picture I had in my mind show up on the memory card too. 🙂 So I am hoping that practice will make nearer perfect. I find it rather rewarding to ”really” take in the scene or subject. To actively think of it and how to show it. I am hoping that this is a first step to take better photos. Before I was kind of stuck in the […]
  1. Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…

  2. The pandemics that started last year was something completely unexpected and unknown that changed so much our lives. It was…