
The love for a cat. English summary under the clip (the clip is subtitled!) Att jag älskar katter kan inte ha undgått någon som har följt den här bloggen ett tag. 🙂 Jag har önskat mig en egen katt (eller två) i hela mitt liv. Men det har inte blivit så. När jag växte upp tyckte inte pappa att vi inte kunde ta hand om några djur, så jag fick aldrig någon katt då. Och nu är min livssituation sådan att den inte passar för ett kattliv. Därför, och för att jag älskar och bryr mig om katter så klart, så arbetar jag nu som volontär på ett katthem varannan lördag för att på något sätt ha katter i mitt liv. Jag älskar det arbetet, även om jag så klart blir kär i flera katter varje pass och vill ta med hela högen hem. Men även om jag inte fick […]


The last couple of weeks have been wonderful. Now we are facing mild weather and the snow is melting and getting dirty. I mourn the beautiful sunny sparkly winter days, but I would not mourn if this was actually the end of winter. I long for spring and light. How was your weekend? Mine was fine. The weather was dull so I didn’t get to take any new photos for our tree project this week, the theme being backlight. Difficult when there is no light. So I will have to put up old photos this week. Next week we will have a very cool and very creative theme coming up. You will find out what it is on Thursday when Jen and I present this week’s photos. On Saturday I did my volunteer work at the cat shelter. Adorable kitties – they always melt my heart. They are like medicine […]
I love cats. They are such great animals combining incredible cuteness with grace and beauty. To get my cat fix I volunteer at a cat shelter every other Saturday. My work involves a lot of travelling and I live in a small apartment, so at this moment in life I sadly can’t offer a good home for a cat of my own. But one day I will have my own kitty to love. Until then, I care for the abandoned, homeless and feral furry adorables at the shelter. You won’t believe what cruelty people have put these shelter cats through. Cats are just too cute for their own good. It’s easy to get a cute little kitten, but the kitten grows up. And costs time and money. And get pregnant. They estimate about 100 000 feral homeless cats in Sweden alone. Black cats are adopted last. Because they mean ”bad luck”. […]
  1. Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…

  2. The pandemics that started last year was something completely unexpected and unknown that changed so much our lives. It was…