Embraced by the sunset. English summary under the photos.


Det har varit hektiska veckor igen och vädret har inte varit på topp när jag väl har varit ledig.

Men igår blev längtan för stor. Trots förkylning och att jag nästan var liksom ”klar” för kvällen, så jag bestämde mig spontant att ge mig iväg till Elfvik för att fånga solnedgången. Det ångrar jag inte.

Jag blev helt uppslukad av den. Så liten kände jag mig, omfamnad av det flödande varma och mäktiga ljuset, men i själen var känslan stor och trygg. Där och då glömde jag allt annat och var i stunden. Jag tog in allt och lät det fylla mig. Och då kom den där inre friden som jag bara kan få när jag är vid vattnet i en överjordisk solnedgång en kväll i mars. Den stunden kommer aldrig igen. Och det är det som är så fantastiskt med naturen. Den bjuder på oändligt många unika stunder som aldrig någonsin kommer igen på samma sätt, men som skänker ett inre lugn varje gång.

Det finns ingen medicin i världen som slår detta. Naturens helande kraft.

Vad gör du för att hämta frid, energi och inspiration?


English summary

Embraced by the sunset

Yesterday I couldn’t stand it anymore. I have been way too long without my camera and nature.

I spontaneously decided to go to Elfvik and try to catch the setting sun. This despite my having a slight cold and was sort of getting ready for the evening so to speak. I don’t regret it.

The sunset totally devoured me. I felt so small, in the powerful majestic light, but the feeling inside my soul was grand and safe. There and then I forgot about everything else besides this moment. I found that inner peace that only a majestic sunset near the water in Elfvik an evening in March can give me. That is the great thing about nature. It will give you an endless amount of unique moments you never will have again, but each one of them will give you an inner peace that only nature can give you.

It is better than any medication. The healing force of nature.

What do you do to find peace, new energy and inspiration?

Bli den första att kommentera! :)

  1. what beautiful photos! I also find a lot of peace away from the noise and hustle of town.. Being by the water or deep in a forest never fails to bring me one inner peace. There is nothing in the world quite like that feeling…

    • Thank you! And we are totally on the same page here. Nothing like it, when you find that inner peace and like you I need to get away from noise. However the sound of water htting the shore, winds in the trees, birds singing… those sounds bring me that peace. hugs!!

  2. Beautiful sunset. I think you are right about nature and how it can be a source of inspiration, energy and peace. Maybe it’s the only source of all those things at the same time. For that you have to go outside, to be in nature. But maybe you have also to be able to find nature inside you, to bring it back to you and let it touch you and only then it will really inspire you.

    • Nature touches me and inspires me like nothing else. And taking photos of it is my way of keeping it inside of me. Trying to catch that moment in time, that will never come back…if only for myself! I think it is programmed in our genes… we just forgot to connect with it in our rushing lives in city scapes…

      • After I wrote my comment I wasn’t sure it was the best I could have written, but it was what I wrote at that moment, and your answer made the best of my comment. (By the way, I cannot press the button gilla because I don’t have an account at worldpress and it’s not possible to do that without an account!)

  3. Gorgeous captures, Marie! I foremost pick up my camera when I want a reload of energy and creative in/output. Or I go for walks, sometimes (not too often 🙂 ) deliberately without the camera, just to ”observe and get a feeling for landscape ”. Or I work in the garden, cook, read and even ironing sets my thoughts free and lead me somewhere.
    Ha en god helg! 🙂
    Dina x

    • I love that. to sometimes just leave the camera at home and just observe and take it all in as it is… For me the camera is a way to capture that moment for me, but sometimes, it is also inspiring to be in that moment and not trying to save it, just to experience it there and now, never to come back again. Ironing is so boring that it has to set the thoughts free so you can keep on doing it. LOL!!! Jokes aside, repetitive actions like ironing can be very therapeutic. Thank you so much for your comment! <3

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