I love cats. They are such great animals combining incredible cuteness with grace and beauty. To get my cat fix I volunteer at a cat shelter every other Saturday. My work involves a lot of travelling and I live in a small apartment, so at this moment in life I sadly can’t offer a good home for a cat of my own. But one day I will have my own kitty to love. Until then, I care for the abandoned, homeless and feral furry adorables at the shelter. You won’t believe what cruelty people have put these shelter cats through. Cats are just too cute for their own good. It’s easy to get a cute little kitten, but the kitten grows up. And costs time and money. And get pregnant. They estimate about 100 000 feral homeless cats in Sweden alone. Black cats are adopted last. Because they mean ”bad luck”. […]


What in the world is ”Twentieth Knut Day”…? 🙂 St Knut’s Day. In Swedish tjugondag jul (Twentieth day of Christmas) or tjugondag Knut (Twentieth Knut Day) The 13th of January marks 20 days after Christmas, and the end of Christmas here in Sweden. Today is the day that you traditionally remove the Christmas decorations that have been up since first of Advent, and you have a Christmas tree plundering party (julgransplundring) with dancing around the Christmas tree before you throw it away. Like dancing around the Maypole at Midsummer. Same dances, basically the same songs with a few Christmassy exceptions. Why change a winning concept? [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1uJPmCl4Ow] So following tradition, I today cleaned out Christmas. Out with the cosy lights and candles. I will miss them! Just lighting it all up one last time! Farewell beautiful advent candles. Farewell, my favourite decoration – my ”tomte” lamps. Bye bye electrical advent lights, […]
  1. Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…

  2. The pandemics that started last year was something completely unexpected and unknown that changed so much our lives. It was…