
Tomorrow Thursday is the day I normally post my photos for Jen’s and my photo project but I have been way too tired to be creative this past week. So I will skip this week and be back on track with project photos next Thursday.

I can’t wait for the long weekend next week. I feel a desperate need for some time off so next week is like God-sent. Which I suppose for religious people it is, since the long weekend is to celebrate Ascension Day. For me it is four blessed days of rest to restore some energy. 🙂

This week I am looking forward to celebrate my grandmother’s 93rd birthday on Saturday. There will be flags waving all over the city and streets with people trying to catch a glimpse – of the king. But what he doesn’t know is that he got it all wrong. All the commotion is really to celebrate the best grandmother in the world. It was HER birthday long before it was the king’s birthday, so there. Wave your flags for my grandmother at the bonfires (it also happens to be ValborgsmässoaftonWalpurgis night) ! <3

What I also am looking forward to is warmer days and spring green so that I can start taking photos again. Right now I feel a bit uninspired by the constant raining/sleet-snowing, gray and dull April.

What are you looking forward to?

En kommentar

  1. Ha en trevlig födelsedag!

    Som kul anekdot noterade jag att din mormor är 13 dagar äldre än grevinnan Gunilla Bernadotte af Wisborg, änka efter Carl Johan Bernadotte af Wisborg, farbror till nuvarande kungen. I en tänkt fantasivärld skulle det kunnat varit din mormor som blivit grevinna och på avlägsna vägar del av den kungliga familjen!

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