
Time flies by! As I wrote in yesterday’s blog post I have had less time to update the blog during this holiday than when I work. The opposite of what I was expecting. Routines are missing – that is the problem. So I said I have the goal to publish at least one post per day until I go back to work on Monday.

In today’s English Tuesday I want to talk about a place that means a lot to me. It is called Elfvik and carries a lot of fond childhood memories in connection with my grandparents. I often went there with them. It reminds me of childhood summers with joy and sunshine and my grandparents – it is a safe and happy place for me. And not to mention very pretty.

Ever since I was a child I have loved Elfvik, but as a grown up seldom got there because it is a bit far off. A couple of summers ago, 2012, I took the bike there to take some photos. I will do this again this summer now that I have learned a bit more and hopefully can take better photos. You have however seen several photos from Elfvik in this blog already 🙂

Here is a collage of  some of the photos I took 2012:


Last year, on May 25th, I took my license. (Am very proud of that!) The first trip I made on my own was to Elfvik. I parked at the very spot, facing the water, where I used to go with my grandparents. I felt their presence, as well as my father’s and how proud he was over me, as I stopped the car and looked out of the water. It was more emotional than I expected! I felt such freedom. I could come here now as often as I want to without any problems thanks to my car, and my license. And my grandparents and my dad are waiting and welcoming me there every time.


The first trip with my new car to Elfvik.


And I do go there often. On rainy days I just drive there and sit in the car looking out at the water through the rain-showered car windshield. Sunny days I go out and sit by the water and just look at it silently caressing the shore stones making them sparkle in the sunlight, or attacking them with the occasional cascades of rolling waves from the Finland and Estonia ferries passing by. Other days I take a longer walk alongside the water.

Be prepared to see a lot of photos from Elfvik in the future too. Hopefully better and better ones.

Do you have a place to go where you feel safe and find complete relaxation and peace? Where is it?

Swedish word of the day: Smultronställe. Literally: wild strawberry place. Idiomatically:  a lovely ”secret” spot. A safe haven. That’s what Elfvik is to me. 😉 It is not very secret though, but a safe haven and a place of peace it is.

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