When this entry goes ”live”, I am at work, a couple of hours away from a two and a half week holiday over Christmas and New Year’s!
I am writing this in my bed the night before, before I go to sleep – am so tired!
So to make this simple but hopefully a little bit interesting – I thought I’d be doing a short Christmas tag. I found a list of ten questions on the internet about Christmas that I thought I’d answer. Just for fun! And I would love to read your answers too in a comment here or if you have your own blog you can take the tag with you and answer it there. Just give me your address so I can read them.
Ok here we go
1. Whats Your Favorite Holiday Movie?
International: Love Actually. Swedish: Astrid Lindgrens jul 🙂
2. What Are Your Favorite Christmas Colors?
Red and green
3. Do You Like To Stay in Your PJs Or Dress Up For Christmas?
Neither, we celebrate very laid back only the closest family so just casual comfortable clothes.
4. If You Could Only Buy One Person a Present This Year Who Would It Be?
A donation to Stockholms katthem (a cat shelter) where I volunteer. We don’t buy presents any more for Christmas. 🙂
5. Do You Open Your Presents Christmas Eve Or Christmas Morning?
Traditionally on Christmas Eve here in Sweden.
6. Have You Ever Built a Ginger Bread House?
Yes, a looooooong time ago. When I was a child at daycare.
7. What Do You Like To Do On Your Christmas Break?
Relax as much as I can! Hang out with friends and family. This year I plan to get out there and practise with the camera.
8. Any Christmas Wishes?
Peace on this troubled Earth – and for my friends and family to have a wonderful holiday and to stay healthy and happy!
9. Favorite Christmas Smell?
I have no sense of smell – so no particular smell for me.
10. Favorite Christmas Meal Or Treat?
Julskinka! (Traditional Christmas ham). And salmon.

A very old photo by me! Hmm yes, I have improved technically since then… 🙂
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