When this entry goes ”live”, I am at work, a couple of hours away from a two and a half week holiday over Christmas and New Year’s! I am writing this in my bed the night before, before I go to sleep – am so tired! So to make this simple but hopefully a little bit interesting – I thought I’d be doing a short Christmas tag. I found a list of ten questions on the internet about Christmas that I thought I’d answer. Just for fun! And I would love to read your answers too in a comment here or if you have your own blog you can take the tag with you and answer it there. Just give me your address so I can read them. Ok here we go (Source) 1. Whats Your Favorite Holiday Movie? International: Love Actually. Swedish: Astrid Lindgrens jul 🙂 2. What Are […]
Where is winter? Outside the grass is actually green. The leaves have left the trees since long ago – but there is actually green grass in December. It’s warmer than on Midsummer’s Eve for God’s sake – we’ve had up to 12 degrees! I don’t know which is most weird – warmer than normal in December, or colder than normal in June?? It’s an upside-down world. What is happening to the weather? Am I the only one who find the weirder and weirder weather scary? Something is not right. I also wonder if we have the time to stop the effects of global warming. How many big ”climate meetings” have there been with ”the urgent need to come together to stop the development”, that end up with nothing. Because short-term profit and hunger for power are more important than having a world left to give to our children and their children. And instead of coming together […]
Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…
Agree 100%. I think a lot of us have had to rethink our lives during the pandemic. And I think…
The pandemics that started last year was something completely unexpected and unknown that changed so much our lives. It was…
Hugs right back! What would I have done without you! ❤️
You have had such a tough time of it, your strength and determination are such an inspiration. I am so…