
The long weekend is over. It came and went. Time is fascinating. It is seconds and minutes. 60 seconds per minute for 24 hours a day. Time is constant. But yet it feel so inconsistent. It can be very slow. And very fast. Five minutes is an eternity when you stand in the rain waiting for the bus at the bus stop and a lovely spring-like four-day long weekend can feel like two seconds. Easter Eve was spent with my grandmother. We had a lovely day feasting on cake and sweets. It was a beautiful early spring day. If this keeps up soon things will start to blossom and bring back colour to nature again. When I walked in Lidingö Centrum to  buy our cake,  I was like a drug addict craving the sunlight that flooded the square . Its bright light and warm soothing rays on my cheeks started an endorphine rush in […]


I start this entry by wishing you a Happy Easter since it is Maundy Thursday when you read this. 🙂 I am looking forward to a long weekend. Four wonderful days off. I will be taking a photo walk, and possibly planning to document my Saturday for the blog some way. Not that anything special is going on but for fun. I will visit my grandmother on Easter Eve so will spend the day with her. So maybe you will get to meet my grandmother. How about that? I haven’t decided what exactly we will do yet. If we just spend the day together at her place or if we go out for a car ride somewhere. All I know is that we will have a good day, granny and I. <3 She is the best mormor (maternal grandmother) in the world even when memory is failing her and things get confusing […]


Easter holiday is approaching. A four-day leave from work. Yay. I can’t wait, because I want to take my camera out again. It has been too long now. My archive of new photos is empty so I have no photos to show in the blog either. I have been so busy lately that I haven’t even been able to get out on photo walks. That will definitely happen this Easter. Keep your fingers crossed there will be some day with nicer photo weather over the holiday. I don’t know about you – but I often lose inspiration a bit this time of the year when it comes to taking pictures. Because now I am just waiting for spring when nature displays some colour again and that first sheer budding green that glows almost transparent in the sunlight. Little creeks running free again after the ice has broken. Hepaticas and anemones flooding […]
  1. Thanks. I think I'm doing reasonably well, even if there have been many restrictions, if you have to change some…

  2. The pandemics that started last year was something completely unexpected and unknown that changed so much our lives. It was…